With your financial support for the Collegium Academicum, you are promoting a self-managed housing project, creative young people and self-determined learning and living in Heidelberg.
This is more than a home for around 250 young people.
We have created a place to meet, an inspiring environment to unlock potentials, a place for chasing dreams and growing together as a community through concrete projects and living together.
Your direct loan helps to empower young people and enables them to experience that they are able to make a difference and change their environment.
With your support, we have realised an architecturally innovative new building, which is a beacon in the field of sustainable construction thanks to its timber construction. In our old building, we were able to renovate as ecologically as possible using innovative building materials such as straw panels and convert the former military use into rooms for our orientation year.
Your help is welcome! Please take a look at our webpages and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Current status
With an incredible 4.6 million euros, hundreds of people have contributed to the success of our project with direct loans. We are proud of our funding campaign so far and grateful for our supporters. As we continue to repay older direct loans, we need your continued support!
Here you can read why we need direct loans and how they work.